Tots From Chairman Mao

Sharing God, my heavenly Father in Christ Jesus's wisdom that fills my tots daily.....

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Love Is The Greatest!

Stand in the presence of the Holy Almighty God and answer this question truthfully- how many people do you love inside and outside your church?

God established his church, his family in Jesus Christ his son, our Saviour at the cross because God the Father loved us.

Throughout the Bible, God's Words constantly remind, teach and command us to love each other. God built his church, his family with love- today how are we building God's church? Do we love someone in our midst today? We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in his love. God is love, and all who live in love live in God and God lives in them. 1 John 4:16

If we are not loving anyone, then how can we be helping God build his family? It is easy to say I Love You and almost impossible to convert that faith to deeds in love!

Remember to love someone with the same love that God loves you in his son Jesus at the cross. You may like to read 1 Corinthians 13: 1-7 to fully comprehend how God define his love. Or to summarize in one sentence: We must love our neighbors like we love ourselves.

If God's love is not present in our assemblies and gatherings, then what is the purpose of church, if I may ask? When we address each other as brothers and sisters in Christ, how do we support that relationship? How do outsiders view and perceive the family of God if we don't endorse his love for us at the cross in our assemblies and gatherings?

Church means people can confidently walk into God's family and know that God is there for them. Church means worshipping God by totally trusting in his son Jesus Christ. A church is a representation of God's family living together in his love and this love is forever outpouring.

If love is absent in our hearts, how can we be knitted into the bigger body of love which is Christ?

The next time when you walk into the church, God's family, ask yourselves whether you have fulfilled Christ's commandment to love each other and if you have not, then maybe ask God in Jesus name in prayers to help you commit to truthfully love someone in the church. Love this person as you would have this person love you. If we care and love each other, then the church will grow on Christ love.

Unbelievers within us will witness this phenomenal relationship in our assemblies and will acknowledge that our Jesus is a gift expressing God's love to us when we were still sinners!

Perhaps we should consider God's promises concerning his love for us in Romans 8: 35-39, Can anything ever separate us from Christ's love? Does it mean Jesus no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threathened with death? as the Scriptures say, "For your sake we are killed everyday; we are being slaughtered like sheep." No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.

And I am convinced that nothing can ever separates us from God's love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow- not even the powers of hell can separate us from God's love. No power in the sky above or in the heavens below- indeed , nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.

May God the Father who is in Christ Jesus fill us with His love to fill this loveless world with his amazing unfailing love.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Which End Are You?

"It is more blessed to give than to receive," says the Lord Jesus in the book of Acts 20:35

Even though that's exactly what is contain in God's promises to us about giving, most of us still struggled to give- why?

The ability to give is the source of God's gifting in the power of the Holy Spirit. We cannot give just because we wanted to give. We must always remember to ask the Holy Spirit to help us to give- not only to give but to give with unconditional love- because that's how God wanted us to; to give with love.

We failed to give or give with resentment because each time when we are approached to care and provide for a need, we reacted with antipathy. We failed to pray and ask God to help us to accomplish the propose request. Afterall, the act of giving belongs to the Lord and it is His work to care and provide for everybody. We failed in our attempt to give because we made our own decisions to decline the request. The decisions to turn down a request to fulfill a need doesn't originate from the Lord who loves us at the cross

Our human ways, if independant and without the intervention of God is considered evil. The only way to give successfully and victoriously is to involve God in the giving because without God in His son, Jesus to aid us, we cannot give for the honor and glory of His Glorious Name.

Rememeber it is more blessed to give than to receive- if our Lord has blessed you to be a giver, give kindly and generously with love- God can change that destiny

Sunday, March 08, 2009

I Am Nothing!

It's almost impossible to start off with anything that is godly in nature and finishing it is almost as impossible as beginning it.

I am committed to helping out financially a few needy families for a period of six months. I kneel for months before I could actually find the strength to start off. Even that-the kneeling and the commitment- was almost impossible. But when I asked for my Saviour Christ to assist me by equipping me with the gifting of the Holy Spirit, God's Spirit, I managed to start. Each month is a struggle to accomplish the herculean task. I can't imagine how I could possibly finish what I set out to accomplish without the help from the Holy Spirit.

Each family received a specific amount provided by God that could sustain their needs for a month from my already impecunious account. Why would I want to do it. Firstly, God is teaching me about faith and trusting in my Saviour God to provide for our needs. Secondly, each month helps me to remember to be grateful for what my Saviour God is doing for us. Thirdly, by committing to accomplish His will, I will be reminded of what He has first accomplished for me at the cross. Fourthly, the act of giving reminded me of His great unfailing love that filled my heart, His blessings to my life and halted my heart from greed and other earthly desires that is evil. Lastly, I have learned not to be boastful, realizing my own weaknesses that I could never accomplish anything for God without His partnership and such acts of obedience and humility pleases Him, bringing Him honor and glory.

I am nothing if not for God's great mercy, grace and unfailing in His son, my Saviour Jesus' love at the cross.

So guard yourselves and God's people. Feed and shepherd God's flock- his church, purchased with his own blood- over which the Holy Spirit has appointed you as shepherds. It is more blessed to give than to receive. Acts 20: 28, 35

Care for the flock- God's church- that God has entrusted to you. Watch over it willingly, not grudgingly- not for what you will get out of it, but because you are eager to serve God. Don't lord it over the people assigned to your care, but lead them by your own great example. 1 Peter 5:2-3

Friday, February 06, 2009

What Is A Prayer?

Prayers is not an outpouring of words from our mouth but an outpouring of words from our hearts!

God hears the prayers of those who pray to Him from their hearts and not those who pray to Him from their mouths.

God wants to hear from our hearts! God only listen to our hearts and not our mouths. The truth of us lies in our hearts and not in our mouth!

Serve the Living Saviour God, who alone loves us in His Son, Jesus Christ, with our hearts and not our mouths.

When our hearts are not right, then nothing is. That's why Jesus instructed us to first go sort out our personal problems and whatever grievances we have with people before we offer our prayers to Him. He will not listen to our prayers until our hearts had been aligned right.

People honour me with their lips but their hearts are far away from me. Matthew 15:8

Friday, January 09, 2009

Serving With The Right Attitude

The gifting of an ability to care, help and love others is most probably life's most awesome honor.

God has chosen to anoint certain people with the ability to serve Him by helping others. These 'gifted' people are constantly inundated with persons who are troublesome, annoying, rebellious and needy. Our Saviour God, Jesus was birth into the world to attend and minister to these helpless, weak and hopeless community.

Those who were specially chosen to serve God were equipped with the Holy Spirit to accomplish this task for God's honor and glory. The Holy Spirit who is filled with God's mercy, grace and unfailing love ministered to these 'poor' community through appointed servants who has volunteer to sacrifice their lives to serve God who alone loves us in His Son, our Savious Jesus.

The greatest hurdle in serving God is most probably discovering the joy in accomplishing the most demanding task rather than attempting to achieve them grudgingly. All of us need to learn to be a bridge and not a wall to understand that every need confronting us presents us with an opportunity to care, help and fulfil that need. When you offered to help someone, you will discover and experience an overwhelming and breathtaking joy.

Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God made this profound statement in the Bible: The greatest among you is a servant! The Son of the Living God is the greatest servant, who came to suffer humility and obedience in His suffering so that He can present His servanthood honoring and glorifying God, the Father.

I was recently introduced to a lesson about serving God. I shared and make unkind remarks of a certain customer who was obviously facing financial difficulty in executing his payment to me. Instead of spending time praying for this customer and offering words of encouragement, I shared and condemned his predicament to others. I unknowingly disappointed the Holy Spirit gifted to me to help others by failing to understand that the entire lesson was to reveal to me how much Christ loved me when I was a nuisance to Him.

I learned from the above experience that a servant must possess these qualities- integrity and rectitude. I must not share and condemn the predicaments of those I ministered to. How will those who hope in God placed their confidence in God's appointed servants and ministers when these same servants and ministers go about condemning them? All in all, God taught me to be an improved servant.

Care for the flock that God has entrusted to you. Watch over it willingly, not grudgingly- not because for what you will get out of it, but because you are eager to serve God. Don't lord it over the people assigned to your care, but lead them by your own good example. 1 Peter 5:2-3

Unless I placed my hands inside the beehive, I could never take out the honey. What I need is not more intellectual power but more spiritual power. The reason why so little is accomplished is generally because so little is attempted.

Without God's amazing unconditional love filling our hearts, we cannot serve God.

May the Holy Spirit filled me with Christ humble, merciful, and affectionate attitude to serve His people who has hope in Him.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Kick-Start With Blessings

Prayers may not change all things for me, but prayers will surely change me for everything.

The only time I prayed was when I am deeply in trouble. When my troubles are more severe, I knelt! Otherwise I don't bother myself with prayers and any form of communion with Jesus my Saviour God who alone loved me and died for me. I only contact Him when I need Him.

The truth is all this time, instead of honoring Jesus being the Master of my earthly life, I have made Him my servant, expecting Him to attend immediately to my call when I needed Him. That's most definitely why my life was so messed up. That was then.....

The time spent in prayers to Jesus is never wasted. The most important reason for prayers is not about expecting our prayers to change the circumstances surrounding us but that we will be transform with Christ strength and understanding in God's wisdom to manage those circumstances we confront.

It's always important to pray to prepare us to face the day ahead of us; the more stressful and mind-numbing, the more time we needed in prayers. It's like having a good nutritious breakfast and dressing in our best attire. A good prayer to Jesus fills us with confidence to prepare us for the day ahead of us because we know that our Master is with us in everything we accomplish.

Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs and don't forget to thank him for his answers. Philippians 4:6

Start your day with the most important task- talking with Jesus, our Saviour God who alone loved us. If Jesus is guiding you and you are obedient to His guidance, how can things go wrong?

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Greetings: A Blessed New Year 2009!

I am not taking time off from writing in my blog; neither I am abandoning it but merely allowing you to spend time reading God's words and fellowship with the One who alone loves you and gave His life for you at the cross.

I'll be back with more inspiring messages, sharing from my very own daily earthly life fully assisted by the Holy Spirit whom God, the Father of my Saviour Jesus gifted me.

While the entire world may be treading cautiously into 2009 because of the global depression, those who trust in Jesus Christ will step confidently into 2009.

May God's Spirit help us in everything we do for the year 2009 so that the life we live, we live it in Jesus name for the honor and glory of our heavenly Father.

A Blessed 2009!

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